""" ==================================== BUAN Bundle Assignment Maps Creation ==================================== This example explains how we can use BUAN [Chandio2020]_ to create assignment maps on a bundle. Divide bundle into N smaller segments. First import the necessary modules. """ import numpy as np from dipy.data import get_two_hcp842_bundles from dipy.data import fetch_bundle_atlas_hcp842 from dipy.io.streamline import load_trk from dipy.stats.analysis import assignment_map from dipy.viz import actor, window """ Download and read data for this tutorial """ atlas_file, atlas_folder = fetch_bundle_atlas_hcp842() """ Read AF left and CST left bundles from already fetched atlas data to use them as model bundles """ model_af_l_file, model_cst_l_file = get_two_hcp842_bundles() sft_af_l = load_trk(model_af_l_file, "same", bbox_valid_check=False) model_af_l = sft_af_l.streamlines """ let's visualize Arcuate Fasiculus Left (AF_L) bundle before assignment maps """ interactive = False scene = window.Scene() scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) scene.add(actor.line(model_af_l, fake_tube=True, linewidth=6)) scene.set_camera(focal_point=(-18.17281532, -19.55606842, 6.92485857), position=(-360.11, -30.46, -40.44), view_up=(-0.03, 0.028, 0.89)) window.record(scene, out_path='af_l_before_assignment_maps.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: window.show(scene) """ .. figure:: af_l_before_assignment_maps.png :align: center AF_L before assignment maps """ """ Creating 100 bundle assignment maps on AF_L using BUAN [Chandio2020]_ """ n = 100 indx = assignment_map(model_af_l, model_af_l, n) indx = np.array(indx) colors = [np.random.rand(3) for si in range(n)] disks_color = [] for i in range(len(indx)): disks_color.append(tuple(colors[indx[i]])) """ let's visualize Arcuate Fasiculus Left (AF_L) bundle after assignment maps """ interactive = False scene = window.Scene() scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) scene.add(actor.line(model_af_l, fake_tube=True, colors=disks_color, linewidth=6)) scene.set_camera(focal_point=(-18.17281532, -19.55606842, 6.92485857), position=(-360.11, -30.46, -40.44), view_up=(-0.03, 0.028, 0.89)) window.record(scene, out_path='af_l_after_assignment_maps.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: window.show(scene) """ .. figure:: af_l_after_assignment_maps.png :align: center AF_L after assignment maps """ """ References ---------- .. [Chandio2020] Chandio, B.Q., Risacher, S.L., Pestilli, F., Bullock, D., Yeh, FC., Koudoro, S., Rokem, A., Harezlak, J., and Garyfallidis, E. Bundle analytics, a computational framework for investigating the shapes and profiles of brain pathways across populations. Sci Rep 10, 17149 (2020) """