""" ===================================================================== Reconstruction of the diffusion signal with the kurtosis tensor model ===================================================================== The diffusion kurtosis model is an expansion of the diffusion tensor model (see :ref:`example_reconst_dti`). In addition to the diffusion tensor (DT), the diffusion kurtosis model quantifies the degree to which water diffusion in biological tissues is non-Gaussian using the kurtosis tensor (KT) [Jensen2005]_. Measurements of non-Gaussian diffusion from the diffusion kurtosis model are of interest because they can be used to characterize tissue microstructural heterogeneity [Jensen2010]_. Moreover, DKI can be used to: 1) derive concrete biophysical parameters, such as the density of axonal fibers and diffusion tortuosity [Fierem2011]_ (see :ref:`example_reconst_dki_micro`); and 2) resolve crossing fibers in tractography and to obtain invariant rotational measures not limited to well-aligned fiber populations [NetoHe2015]_. The diffusion kurtosis model expresses the diffusion-weighted signal as: .. math:: S(n,b)=S_{0}e^{-bD(n)+\frac{1}{6}b^{2}D(n)^{2}K(n)} where $\mathbf{b}$ is the applied diffusion weighting (which is dependent on the measurement parameters), $S_0$ is the signal in the absence of diffusion gradient sensitization, $\mathbf{D(n)}$ is the value of diffusion along direction $\mathbf{n}$, and $\mathbf{K(n)}$ is the value of kurtosis along direction $\mathbf{n}$. The directional diffusion $\mathbf{D(n)}$ and kurtosis $\mathbf{K(n)}$ can be related to the diffusion tensor (DT) and kurtosis tensor (KT) using the following equations: .. math:: D(n)=\sum_{i=1}^{3}\sum_{j=1}^{3}n_{i}n_{j}D_{ij} and .. math:: K(n)=\frac{MD^{2}}{D(n)^{2}}\sum_{i=1}^{3}\sum_{j=1}^{3}\sum_{k=1}^{3} \sum_{l=1}^{3}n_{i}n_{j}n_{k}n_{l}W_{ijkl} where $D_{ij}$ are the elements of the second-order DT, and $W_{ijkl}$ the elements of the fourth-order KT and $MD$ is the mean diffusivity. As the DT, KT has antipodal symmetry and thus only 15 Wijkl elements are needed to fully characterize the KT: .. math:: \begin{matrix} ( & W_{xxxx} & W_{yyyy} & W_{zzzz} & W_{xxxy} & W_{xxxz} & ... \\ & W_{xyyy} & W_{yyyz} & W_{xzzz} & W_{yzzz} & W_{xxyy} & ... \\ & W_{xxzz} & W_{yyzz} & W_{xxyz} & W_{xyyz} & W_{xyzz} & & )\end{matrix} In the following example we show how to fit the diffusion kurtosis model on diffusion-weighted multi-shell datasets and how to estimate diffusion kurtosis based statistics. First, we import all relevant modules: """ import numpy as np import dipy.reconst.dki as dki import dipy.reconst.dti as dti from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table from dipy.data import get_fnames from dipy.io.gradients import read_bvals_bvecs from dipy.io.image import load_nifti from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu from dipy.viz.plotting import compare_maps from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter ############################################################################### # DKI requires multi-shell data, i.e. data acquired from more than one non-zero # b-value. Here, we use fetch to download a multi-shell dataset which was kindly # provided by Hansen and Jespersen (more details about the data are provided in # their paper [Hansen2016]_). The total size of the downloaded data is 192 # MBytes, however you only need to fetch it once. fraw, fbval, fbvec, t1_fname = get_fnames('cfin_multib') data, affine = load_nifti(fraw) bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec) gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs) ############################################################################### # Function ``get_fnames`` downloads and outputs the paths of the data, # ``load_nifti`` returns the data as a nibabel Nifti1Image object, and # ``read_bvals_bvecs`` loads the arrays containing the information about the # b-values and b-vectors. These later arrays are converted to the GradientTable # object required for Dipy_'s data reconstruction. # # Before fitting the data, we perform some data pre-processing. We first compute # a brain mask to avoid unnecessary calculations on the background of the image. maskdata, mask = median_otsu(data, vol_idx=[0, 1], median_radius=4, numpass=2, autocrop=False, dilate=1) ############################################################################### # Since the diffusion kurtosis models involves the estimation of a large number # of parameters [TaxCMW2015]_ and since the non-Gaussian components of the # diffusion signal are more sensitive to artefacts [NetoHe2012]_, it might be # favorable to suppress the effects of noise and artefacts before diffusion # kurtosis fitting. In this example the effects of noise and artefacts are # suppress by using 3D Gaussian smoothing (with a Gaussian kernel with # fwhm=1.25) as suggested by pioneer DKI studies (e.g. [Jensen2005]_, # [NetoHe2012]_). Although here the Gaussian smoothing is used so that results # are comparable to these studies, it is important to note that more advanced # noise and artifact suppression algorithms are available in DIPY_, e.g. the # Marcenko-Pastur PCA denoising algorithm (:ref:`example-denoise-mppca`) and # the Gibbs artefact suppression algorithm (:ref:`example-denoise-gibbs`). fwhm = 1.25 gauss_std = fwhm / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) # converting fwhm to Gaussian std data_smooth = np.zeros(data.shape) for v in range(data.shape[-1]): data_smooth[..., v] = gaussian_filter(data[..., v], sigma=gauss_std) ############################################################################### # Now that we have loaded and pre-processed the data we can go forward # with DKI fitting. For this, the DKI model is first defined for the data's # GradientTable object by instantiating the DiffusionKurtosisModel object in the # following way: dkimodel = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab) ############################################################################### # To fit the data using the defined model object, we call the ``fit`` function of # this object. For the purpose of this example, we will only fit a single slice of # the data: data_smooth = data_smooth[:, :, 9:10] mask = mask[:, :, 9:10] dkifit = dkimodel.fit(data_smooth, mask=mask) ############################################################################### # The fit method creates a DiffusionKurtosisFit object, which contains all the # diffusion and kurtosis fitting parameters and other DKI attributes. For # instance, since the diffusion kurtosis model estimates the diffusion tensor, # all standard diffusion tensor statistics can be computed from the # DiffusionKurtosisFit instance. For example, we can extract the fractional # anisotropy (FA), the mean diffusivity (MD), the axial diffusivity (AD) and the # radial diffusivity (RD) from the DiffusionKurtosisiFit instance. Of course, # these measures can also be computed from DIPY's ``TensorModel`` fit, and should # be analogous; however, theoretically, the diffusion statistics from the kurtosis # model are expected to have better accuracy, since DKI's diffusion tensor are # decoupled from higher order terms effects [Veraar2011]_, [NetoHe2012]_. Below we # compare the FA, MD, AD, and RD, computed from both DTI and DKI. tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab) tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data_smooth, mask=mask) fits = [tenfit, dkifit] maps = ['fa', 'md', 'ad', 'rd'] fit_labels = ['DTI', 'DKI'] map_kwargs = [{'vmax': 0.7}, {'vmax': 2e-3}, {'vmax': 2e-3}, {'vmax': 2e-3}] compare_maps(fits, maps, fit_labels=fit_labels, map_kwargs=map_kwargs, filename='Diffusion_tensor_measures_from_DTI_and_DKI.png') ############################################################################### # .. figure:: Diffusion_tensor_measures_from_DTI_and_DKI.png # :align: center # # Diffusion tensor measures obtained from the diffusion tensor estimated # from DKI (upper panels) and DTI (lower panels). # # DTI's diffusion estimates present lower values than DKI's estimates, # showing that DTI's diffusion measurements are underestimated by higher order # effects. # # In addition to the standard diffusion statistics, the DiffusionKurtosisFit # instance can be used to estimate the non-Gaussian measures of mean kurtosis # (MK), the axial kurtosis (AK) and the radial kurtosis (RK). maps = ['mk', 'ak', 'rk'] compare_maps([dkifit], maps, fit_labels=['DKI'], map_kwargs={'vmin': 0, 'vmax': 1.5}, filename='Kurtosis_tensor_standard_measures.png') ############################################################################### # .. figure:: Kurtosis_tensor_standard_measures.png # :align: center # # DKI standard kurtosis measures. # # The non-Gaussian behaviour of the diffusion signal is expected to be higher # when tissue water is confined by multiple compartments. MK is, therefore, # higher in white matter since it is highly compartmentalized by myelin sheaths. # These water diffusion compartmentalization is expected to be more pronounced # perpendicularly to white matter fibers and thus the RK map presents higher # amplitudes than the AK map. # # It is important to note that kurtosis estimates might present negative estimates # in deep white matter regions (e.g. the band of dark voxels in the RK map above). # These negative kurtosis values are artefactual and might be induced by: # 1) low radial diffusivities of aligned white matter - since it is very hard # to capture non-Gaussian information in radial direction due to it's low # diffusion decays, radial kurtosis estimates (and consequently the mean # kurtosis estimates) might have low robustness and tendency to exhibit negative # values [NetoHe2012]_; # 2) Gibbs artefacts - MRI images might be corrupted by signal oscillation # artefact between tissue's edges if an inadequate number of high frequencies of # the k-space is sampled. These oscillations might have different signs on # images acquired with different diffusion-weighted and inducing negative biases # in kurtosis parametric maps [Perron2015]_, [NetoHe2018]_. # # One can try to suppress this issue by using the more advance noise and artefact # suppression algorithms, e.g., as mentioned above, the MP-PCA denoising # (:ref:`example-denoise-mppca`) and Gibbs Unringing # (:ref:`example-denoise-gibbs`) algorithms. Alternatively, one can overcome this # artefact by computing the kurtosis values from powder-averaged # diffusion-weighted signals. The details on how to compute the kurtosis from # powder-average signals in dipy are described in follow the tutorial # (:ref:`example-reconst-msdki`). Finally, one can use constrained optimization to # ensure that the fitted parameters are physically plausible [DelaHa2020]_, as we # will illustrate in the next section. Ideally though, artefacts such as Gibbs # ringing should be corrected for as well as possible before using constrained # optimization. # # Constrained optimization for DKI # ================================ # # When instantiating the DiffusionKurtosisModel, the model can be set up to use # constraints with the option `fit_method='CLS'` (for ordinary least squares) or # with `fit_method='CWLS'` (for weighted least squares). Constrained fitting takes # more time than unconstrained fitting, but is generally recommended to prevent # physically unplausible parameter estimates [DelaHa2020]_. For performance # purposes it is recommended to use the MOSEK solver (https://www.mosek.com/) by # setting ``cvxpy_solver='MOSEK'``. Different solvers can differ greatly in terms # of runtime and solution accuracy, and in some cases solvers may show warnings # about convergence or recommended option settings. # # .. note:: # In certain atypical scenarios, the DKI+ constraints could potentially be # too restrictive. Always check the results of a constrained fit with their # unconstrained counterpart to verify that there are no unexpected # qualitative differences. # dkimodel_plus = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab, fit_method='CLS') dkifit_plus = dkimodel_plus.fit(data_smooth, mask=mask) ############################################################################### # We can now compare the kurtosis measures obtained with the constrained fit to # the measures obtained before, where we see that many of the artefactual voxels # have now been corrected. In particular outliers caused by pure noise -- instead # of for example acquisition artefacts -- can be corrected with this method. compare_maps([dkifit_plus], ['mk', 'ak', 'rk'], fit_labels=['DKI+'], filename='Kurtosis_tensor_standard_measures_plus.png') ############################################################################### # .. figure:: Kurtosis_tensor_standard_measures_plus.png # :align: center # # DKI standard kurtosis measures obtained with constrained optimization. # # When using constrained optimization, the expected range of the kurtosis measures # is also naturally constrained, and so does not typically require additional # clipping. # # Finally, constrained optimization obviates the need for smoothing in many cases: dkifit_noisy = dkimodel.fit(data[:, :, 9:10], mask=mask) dkifit_noisy_plus = dkimodel_plus.fit(data[:, :, 9:10], mask=mask) compare_maps([dkifit_noisy, dkifit_noisy_plus], ['mk', 'ak', 'rk'], fit_labels=['DKI', 'DKI+'], map_kwargs={'vmin': 0, 'vmax': 1.5}, filename='Kurtosis_tensor_standard_measures_noisy.png') ############################################################################### # .. figure:: Kurtosis_tensor_standard_measures_noisy.png # :align: center # # DKI standard kurtosis measures obtained on unsmoothed data with constrained # optimization. # # Mean kurtosis tensor and kurtosis fractional anisotropy # ======================================================= # # As pointed by previous studies [Hansen2013]_, axial, radial and mean kurtosis # depends on the information of both diffusion and kurtosis tensor. DKI measures # that only depend on the kurtosis tensor include the mean of the kurtosis tensor # [Hansen2013]_, and the kurtosis fractional anisotropy [GlennR2015]_. These # measures are computed and illustrated below: compare_maps([dkifit_plus], ['mkt', 'kfa'], fit_labels=['DKI+'], map_kwargs=[{'vmin': 0, 'vmax': 1.5}, {'vmin': 0, 'vmax': 1}], filename='Measures_from_kurtosis_tensor_only.png') ############################################################################### # .. figure:: Measures_from_kurtosis_tensor_only.png # :align: center # # DKI measures obtained from the kurtosis tensor only. # # As reported by [Hansen2013]_, the mean of the kurtosis tensor (MKT) produces # similar maps than the standard mean kurtosis (MK). On the other hand, # the kurtosis fractional anisotropy (KFA) maps shows that the kurtosis tensor # have different degrees of anisotropy than the FA measures from the diffusion # tensor. # # References # ---------- # .. 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