""" =========================================================================== Reconstruction with Robust and Unbiased Model-BAsed Spherical Deconvolution =========================================================================== This example shows how to use RUMBA-SD to reconstruct fiber orientation density functions (fODFs). This model was introduced by Canales-Rodriguez et al [CanalesRodriguez2015]_. RUMBA-SD uses a priori information about the fiber response function (axial and perpendicular diffusivities) to generate a convolution kernel mapping the fODFs on a sphere to the recorded data. The fODFs are then estimated using an iterative, maximum likelihood estimation algorithm adapted from Richardson-Lucy (RL) deconvolution [Richardson1972]_. Specifically, the RL algorithm assumes Gaussian noise, while RUMBA assumes Rician/Noncentral Chi noise -- these more accurately reflect the noise generated by MRI scanners [Constantinides1997]_. This algorithm also contains an optional compartment for estimating an isotropic volume fraction to account for partial volume effects. RUMBA-SD works with single- and multi-shell data, as well as data recorded in Cartesian or spherical coordinate systems. The result from RUMBA-SD can be smoothed by applying total variation spatial regularization (termed RUMBA-SD + TV), a technique which promotes a more coherent estimate of the fODFs across neighboring voxels [Rudin1992]_. This regularization ability is also included in this implementation. This example will showcase how to: 1. Estimate the fiber response function 2. Reconstruct the fODFs voxel-wise or globally with TV regularization 3. Visualize fODF maps To begin, we will load the data, consisting of 10 b0s and 150 non-b0s with a b-value of 2000. """ import numpy as np from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table from dipy.data import get_fnames, get_sphere from dipy.io.gradients import read_bvals_bvecs from dipy.io.image import load_nifti hardi_fname, hardi_bval_fname, hardi_bvec_fname = get_fnames('stanford_hardi') data, affine = load_nifti(hardi_fname) bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(hardi_bval_fname, hardi_bvec_fname) gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs) sphere = get_sphere('symmetric362') ############################################################################### # Step 1. Estimation of the fiber response function # ================================================= # # There are multiple ways to estimate the fiber response function. # # **Strategy 1: use default values** # One simple approach is to use the values included as the default arguments in # the RumbaSDModel constructor. The white matter response, `wm_response` has three # values corresponding to the tensor eigenvalues (1.7e-3, 0.2e-3, 0.2e-3). The # model has compartments for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (`csf_response`) and # grey matter (GM) (`gm_response`) as well, with these mean diffusivities set # to 3.0e-3 and 0.8e-3 respectively [CanalesRodriguez2015]_. These default # values will often be adequate as RUMBA-SD is robust against impulse response # imprecision [Dell'Acqua2007]_. from dipy.reconst.rumba import RumbaSDModel rumba = RumbaSDModel(gtab) print(f"wm_response: {rumba.wm_response}, " + f"csf_response: {rumba.csf_response}, " + f"gm_response: {rumba.gm_response}") ############################################################################### # wm_response: [0.0017 0.0002 0.0002] # csf_response: 0.003 # gm_response: 0.0008 # # We can visualize what this default response looks like. from dipy.sims.voxel import single_tensor_odf from dipy.viz import window, actor # Enables/disables interactive visualization interactive = False scene = window.Scene() evals = rumba.wm_response evecs = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]]).T response_odf = single_tensor_odf(sphere.vertices, evals, evecs) # Transform our data from 1D to 4D response_odf = response_odf[None, None, None, :] response_actor = actor.odf_slicer(response_odf, sphere=sphere, colormap='plasma') scene.add(response_actor) print('Saving illustration as default_response.png') window.record(scene, out_path='default_response.png', size=(200, 200)) if interactive: window.show(scene) ############################################################################### # .. figure:: default_response.png # :align: center # # Default response function. # scene.rm(response_actor) ############################################################################### # **Strategy 2: estimate from local brain region** # The `csdeconv` module contains functions for estimating this response. # `auto_response_sst` extracts an ROI in the center of the brain and isolates # single fiber populations from the corpus callosum using an FA mask with a # threshold of 0.7. These voxels are used to estimate the response function. from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import auto_response_ssst response, _ = auto_response_ssst(gtab, data, roi_radii=10, fa_thr=0.7) print(response) ############################################################################### # (array([0.00139919, 0.0003007 , 0.0003007]), 416.7372408293461) # # This response contains the estimated eigenvalues in its first element, and the # estimated S0 in the second. The eigenvalues are all we care about for using # RUMBA-SD. # # We can visualize this estimated response as well. evals = response[0] evecs = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]]).T response_odf = single_tensor_odf(sphere.vertices, evals, evecs) # transform our data from 1D to 4D response_odf = response_odf[None, None, None, :] response_actor = actor.odf_slicer(response_odf, sphere=sphere, colormap='plasma') scene.add(response_actor) print('Saving illustration as estimated_response.png') window.record(scene, out_path='estimated_response.png', size=(200, 200)) if interactive: window.show(scene) ############################################################################### # .. figure:: estimated_response.png # :align: center # # Estimated response function. # scene.rm(response_actor) ############################################################################### # **Strategy 3: recursive, data-driven estimation** # The other method for extracting a response function uses a recursive approach. # Here, we initialize a "fat" response function, which is used in CSD. From this # deconvolution, the voxels with one peak are extracted and their data is # averaged to get a new response function. This is repeated iteratively until # convergence [Tax2014]_. # # To shorten computation time, a mask can be estimated for the data. from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import recursive_response from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu b0_mask, mask = median_otsu(data, median_radius=2, numpass=1, vol_idx=np.arange(10)) rec_response = recursive_response(gtab, data, mask=mask, sh_order=8, peak_thr=0.01, init_fa=0.08, init_trace=0.0021, iter=4, convergence=0.001, parallel=True, num_processes=2) ############################################################################### # We can now visualize this response, which will look like a pancake. rec_response_signal = rec_response.on_sphere(sphere) # transform our data from 1D to 4D rec_response_signal = rec_response_signal[None, None, None, :] response_actor = actor.odf_slicer(rec_response_signal, sphere=sphere, colormap='plasma') scene.add(response_actor) print('Saving illustration as recursive_response.png') window.record(scene, out_path='recursive_response.png', size=(200, 200)) if interactive: window.show(scene) ############################################################################### # .. figure:: recursive_response.png # :align: center # # Recursive response function. # scene.rm(response_actor) ############################################################################### # # Step 2. fODF Reconstruction # =========================== # # We will now use the estimated response function with the RUMBA-SD model to # reconstruct the fODFs. We will use the default value for `csf_response` and # `gm_response`. If one doesn't wish to fit these compartments, one can specify # either argument as `None`. This will result in the corresponding volume # fraction map being all zeroes. The GM compartment can only be accurately # estimated with at least 3-shell data. With less shells, it is recommended # to only keep the compartment for CSF. Since this data is single-shell, we will # only compute the CSF compartment. # # RUMBA-SD can fit the data voxelwise or globally. By default, a voxelwise # approach is used (`voxelwise` is set to `True`). However, by setting # `voxelwise` to false, the whole brain can be fit at once. In this global # setting, one can specify the use of TV regularization with `use_tv`, and the # model can log updates on its progress and estimated signal-to-noise ratios by # setting `verbose` to True. By default, both `use_tv` and `verbose` are set to # `False` as they have no bearing on the voxelwise fit. # # When constructing the RUMBA-SD model, one can also specify `n_iter`, # `recon_type`, `n_coils`, `R`, and `sphere`. `n_iter` is the number of # iterations for the iterative estimation, and the default value of 600 # should be suitable for most applications. `recon_type` is the technique used # by the MRI scanner to reconstruct the MRI signal, and should be either 'smf' # for 'spatial matched filter', or 'sos' for 'sum-of-squares'; 'smf' is a common # choice and is the default, but the specifications of the MRI scanner used to # collect the data should be checked. If 'sos' is used, then it's important to # specify `n_coils`, which is the number of coils in the MRI scanner. With 'smf', # this isn't important and the default argument of 1 can be used. `R` is the # acceleration factor of the MRI scanner, which is termed the iPAT factor for # SIEMENS, the ASSET factor for GE, or the SENSE factor for PHILIPS. 1 is a # common choice, and is the default for the model. This is only important when # using TV regularization, which will be covered later in the tutorial. Finally, # `sphere` specifies the sphere on which to construct the fODF. The default is # 'repulsion724' sphere, but this tutorial will use `symmetric362`. rumba = RumbaSDModel( gtab, wm_response=response[0], gm_response=None, sphere=sphere) ############################################################################### # For efficiency, we will only fit a small part of the data. This is the same # portion of data used in :ref:`example_reconst_csd`. data_small = data[20:50, 55:85, 38:39] ############################################################################### # **Option 1: voxel-wise fit** # This is the default approach for generating ODFs, wherein each voxel is fit # sequentially. # # We will estimate the fODFs using the 'symmetric362' sphere. This # will take about a minute to compute. rumba_fit = rumba.fit(data_small) odf = rumba_fit.odf() ############################################################################### # The inclusion of RUMBA-SD's CSF compartment means we can also extract # the isotropic volume fraction map as well as the white matter volume fraction # map (the fODF sum at each voxel). These values are normalized such that they # sum to 1. If neither isotropic compartment is included, then the isotropic # volume fraction map will all be zeroes. f_iso = rumba_fit.f_iso f_wm = rumba_fit.f_wm ############################################################################### # We can visualize these maps using adjacent heatmaps. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5)) ax0 = axs[0].imshow(f_wm[..., 0].T, origin='lower') axs[0].set_title("Voxelwise White Matter Volume Fraction") ax1 = axs[1].imshow(f_iso[..., 0].T, origin='lower') axs[1].set_title("Voxelwise Isotropic Volume Fraction") plt.colorbar(ax0, ax=axs[0]) plt.colorbar(ax1, ax=axs[1]) plt.savefig('wm_iso_partition.png') ############################################################################### # .. figure:: wm_iso_partition.png # :align: center # # White matter and isotropic volume fractions ############################################################################### # To visualize the fODFs, it's recommended to combine the fODF and the isotropic # components. This is done using the `RumbaFit` object's method # `combined_odf_iso`. To reach a proper scale for visualization, the argument # `norm=True` is used in FURY's `odf_slicer` method. combined = rumba_fit.combined_odf_iso fodf_spheres = actor.odf_slicer( combined, sphere=sphere, norm=True, scale=0.5, colormap=None) scene.add(fodf_spheres) print('Saving illustration as rumba_odfs.png') window.record(scene, out_path='rumba_odfs.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: window.show(scene) ############################################################################### # .. figure:: rumba_odfs.png # :align: center # # RUMBA-SD fODFs scene.rm(fodf_spheres) ############################################################################### # We can extract the peaks from these fODFs using `peaks_from_model`. This will # reconstruct the fODFs again, so will take about a minute to run. from dipy.direction import peaks_from_model rumba_peaks = peaks_from_model(model=rumba, data=data_small, sphere=sphere, relative_peak_threshold=.5, min_separation_angle=25, normalize_peaks=False, parallel=True, num_processes=4) ############################################################################### # For visualization, we scale up the peak values. peak_values = np.clip(rumba_peaks.peak_values * 15, 0, 1) peak_dirs = rumba_peaks.peak_dirs fodf_peaks = actor.peak_slicer(peak_dirs, peak_values) scene.add(fodf_peaks) print('Saving illustration as rumba_peaks.png') window.record(scene, out_path='rumba_peaks.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: window.show(scene) ############################################################################### # .. figure:: rumba_peaks.png # :align: center # # RUMBA-SD peaks scene.rm(fodf_peaks) ############################################################################### # **Option 2: global fit** # Instead of the voxel-wise fit, RUMBA also comes with an implementation of # global fitting where all voxels are fit simultaneously. This comes with some # potential benefits such as: # # 1. More efficient fitting due to matrix parallelization, in exchange for # larger demands on RAM (>= 16 GB should be sufficient) # 2. The option for spatial regularization; specifically, TV regularization is # built into the fitting function (RUMBA-SD + TV) # # This is done by setting `voxelwise` to `False`, and setting `use_tv` to `True`. # # TV regularization requires a volume without any singleton dimensions, so we'll # have to start by expanding our data slice. rumba = RumbaSDModel(gtab, wm_response=response[0], gm_response=None, voxelwise=False, use_tv=True, sphere=sphere) data_tv = data[20:50, 55:85, 38:40] ############################################################################### # Now, we fit the model in the same way. This will take about 90 seconds. rumba_fit = rumba.fit(data_tv) odf = rumba_fit.odf() combined = rumba_fit.combined_odf_iso ############################################################################### # Now we can visualize the combined fODF map as before. fodf_spheres = actor.odf_slicer(combined, sphere=sphere, norm=True, scale=0.5, colormap=None) scene.add(fodf_spheres) print('Saving illustration as rumba_global_odfs.png') window.record(scene, out_path='rumba_global_odfs.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: window.show(scene) ############################################################################### # .. figure:: rumba_global_odfs.png # :align: center # # RUMBA-SD + TV fODFs ############################################################################### # This can be compared with the result without TV regularization, and one can # observe that the coherence between neighboring voxels is improved. scene.rm(fodf_spheres) ############################################################################### # For peak detection, `peaks_from_model` cannot be used as it doesn't support # global fitting approaches. Instead, we'll compute our peaks using a for loop. from dipy.direction import peak_directions shape = odf.shape[:3] npeaks = 5 # maximum number of peaks returned for a given voxel peak_dirs = np.zeros((shape + (npeaks, 3))) peak_values = np.zeros((shape + (npeaks,))) for idx in np.ndindex(shape): # iterate through each voxel # Get peaks of odf direction, pk, _ = peak_directions(odf[idx], sphere, relative_peak_threshold=0.5, min_separation_angle=25) # Calculate peak metrics if pk.shape[0] != 0: n = min(npeaks, pk.shape[0]) peak_dirs[idx][:n] = direction[:n] peak_values[idx][:n] = pk[:n] # Scale up for visualization peak_values = np.clip(peak_values * 15, 0, 1) fodf_peaks = actor.peak_slicer(peak_dirs[:, :, 0:1, :], peak_values[:, :, 0:1, :]) scene.add(fodf_peaks) print('Saving illustration as rumba_global_peaks.png') window.record(scene, out_path='rumba_global_peaks.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: window.show(scene) ############################################################################### # .. figure:: rumba_global_peaks.png # :align: center # # RUMBA-SD + TV peaks scene.rm(fodf_peaks) ############################################################################### # References # ---------- # # .. 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