Online Edition

17th - 21st March 2025

Bloomington - Indiana

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DIPY Workshop 2025 is supported by NIH/NIBIB (1R01EB027585) and Indiana University

Eleftherios Garyfallidis

Eleftherios Garyfallidis

Chair, DIPY Founder & Lead Developer

Associate Professor, Indiana University

Ariel Rokem

Ariel Rokem

Associate DIPY Lead, eScience Institute

Research Associate Professor, University of Washington, Seattle

Gabriel Girard

Gabriel Girard

Research Scientist

University of Sherbrooke

Jaroslaw Harezlak

Jaroslaw Harezlak

DIPY Advisor on Statistics

Professor, Indiana University

Rafael Neto Henriques

Rafael Neto Henriques

Postdoctoral Researcher

Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, PT

Serge Koudoro

Serge Koudoro

DIPY Release Manager

Indiana University

Bramsh Qamar Chandio

Bramsh Qamar Chandio

Postdoctoral Scholar

University of Southern California

Jong Sung Park

Jong Sung Park

PhD Student

Indiana University

To be Defined

We are currently finalising the calendar.

The workshop will include a data accelerator where you will be able to analyze your own data together with the DIPY developers. A Scientific Q/A sessions will be available everyday. More information provied after registration. The workshop is open to academic, clinical and industrial attendees from all fields of neuroscience and neuroengineering.

Registration for DIPY WORKSHOP 2025 is now open!

Registration deadline: 21st March 2025

Get In Touch!

Contact us for more information by sending an email at dipy -at- python.org

or joining our interactive chatroom at https://gitter.im/dipy/dipy
