
Workflow for Particle Filtering Tracking.

This workflow use a saved peaks and metrics (PAM) file as input.


pam_files : string
Path to the peaks and metrics files. This path may contain
wildcards to use multiple masks at once.
wm_files : string
Path of White matter for stopping criteria for tracking.
gm_files : string
Path of grey matter for stopping criteria for tracking.
csf_files : string
Path of cerebrospinal fluid for stopping criteria for tracking.
seeding_files : string
A binary image showing where we need to seed for tracking.
step_size : float, optional
Step size used for tracking.
back_tracking_dist : float, optional
Distance in mm to back track before starting the particle filtering tractography. The total particle filtering tractography distance is equal to back_tracking_dist + front_tracking_dist. By default this is set to 2 mm.
front_tracking_dist : float, optional
Distance in mm to run the particle filtering tractography after the the back track distance. The total particle filtering tractography distance is equal to back_tracking_dist + front_tracking_dist. By default this is set to 1 mm.
max_trial : int, optional
Maximum number of trial for the particle filtering tractography (Prevents infinite loops, default=20).
particle_count : int, optional
Number of particles to use in the particle filter. (default 15)
seed_density : int, optional
Number of seeds per dimension inside voxel (default 1).
For example, seed_density of 2 means 8 regularly distributed points in the voxel. And seed density of 1 means 1 point at the center of the voxel.
pmf_threshold : float, optional
Threshold for ODF functions. (default 0.1)
max_angle : float, optional
Maximum angle between tract segments. This angle can be more generous (larger) than values typically used with probabilistic direction getters. The angle range is (0, 90)
out_dir : string, optional
Output directory (default input file directory)
out_tractogram : string, optional
Name of the tractogram file to be saved (default ‘tractogram.trk’)


Girard, G., Whittingstall, K., Deriche, R., & Descoteaux, M.
Towards quantitative connectivity analysis: reducing tractography biases. NeuroImage, 98, 266-278, 2014..