

static_image_files : string
Path of the static image file.
moving_image_files : string
Path to the moving image file.
prealign_file : string, optional
The text file containing pre alignment information via an
affine matrix.
inv_static : boolean, optional
Apply the inverse mapping to the static image (default ‘False’).
level_iters : variable int, optional
The number of iterations at each level of the gaussian pyramid.
By default, a 3-level scale space with iterations sequence equal to [10, 10, 5] will be used. The 0-th level corresponds to the finest resolution.
metric : string, optional
The metric to be used (Default cc, ‘Cross Correlation metric’). metric available: cc (Cross Correlation), ssd (Sum Squared Difference), em (Expectation-Maximization).
mopt_sigma_diff : float, optional
Metric option applied on Cross correlation (CC). The standard deviation of the Gaussian smoothing kernel to be applied to the update field at each iteration (default 2.0)
mopt_radius : int, optional
Metric option applied on Cross correlation (CC). the radius of the squared (cubic) neighborhood at each voxel to be considered to compute the cross correlation. (default 4)
mopt_smooth : float, optional
Metric option applied on Sum Squared Difference (SSD) and Expectation Maximization (EM). Smoothness parameter, the larger the value the smoother the deformation field. (default 1.0 for EM, 4.0 for SSD)
mopt_inner_iter : int, optional
Metric option applied on Sum Squared Difference (SSD) and Expectation Maximization (EM). This is number of iterations to be performed at each level of the multi-resolution Gauss-Seidel optimization algorithm (this is not the number of steps per Gaussian Pyramid level, that parameter must be set for the optimizer, not the metric). Default 5 for EM, 10 for SSD.
mopt_q_levels : int, optional
Metric option applied on Expectation Maximization (EM). Number of quantization levels (Default: 256 for EM)
mopt_double_gradient : bool, optional
Metric option applied on Expectation Maximization (EM). if True, the gradient of the expected static image under the moving modality will be added to the gradient of the moving image, similarly, the gradient of the expected moving image under the static modality will be added to the gradient of the static image.
mopt_step_type : string, optional
Metric option applied on Sum Squared Difference (SSD) and Expectation Maximization (EM). The optimization schedule to be used in the multi-resolution Gauss-Seidel optimization algorithm (not used if Demons Step is selected). Possible value: (‘gauss_newton’, ‘demons’). default: ‘gauss_newton’ for EM, ‘demons’ for SSD.
step_length : float, optional
the length of the maximum displacement vector of the update
displacement field at each iteration.
ss_sigma_factor : float, optional
parameter of the scale-space smoothing kernel. For example, the
std. dev. of the kernel will be factor*(2^i) in the isotropic case where i = 0, 1, …, n_scales is the scale.
opt_tol : float, optional
the optimization will stop when the estimated derivative of the
energy profile w.r.t. time falls below this threshold.
inv_iter : int, optional
the number of iterations to be performed by the displacement field
inversion algorithm.
inv_tol : float, optional
the displacement field inversion algorithm will stop iterating
when the inversion error falls below this threshold.
out_dir : string, optional
Directory to save the transformed files (default ‘’).
out_warped : string, optional
Name of the warped file. (default ‘warped_moved.nii.gz’).
out_inv_static : string, optional
Name of the file to save the static image after applying the
inverse mapping (default ‘inv_static.nii.gz’).
out_field : string, optional
Name of the file to save the diffeomorphic map. (default ‘displacement_field.nii.gz’)