

dipy_buan_profiles [-h] [–no_disks int] [–out_dir str] model_bundle_folder subject_folder

Workflow of bundle analytics.

Applies statistical analysis on bundles of subjects and saves the results in a directory specified by out_dir.

Positional Arguments

model_bundle_folder Path to the input model bundle files. This path may contain wildcards to process multiple inputs at once. subject_folder Path to the input subject folder. This path may contain wildcards to process multiple inputs at once.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--no_disks int

Number of disks used for dividing bundle into disks.

Output Arguments(Optional)

--out_dir str

Output directory. (default current directory)



Chandio, B.Q., Risacher, S.L., Pestilli, F.,Bullock, D., Yeh, FC., Koudoro, S., Rokem, A., Harezlak, J., andGaryfallidis, E. Bundle analytics, a computational framework forinvestigating the shapes and profiles of brain pathways acrosspopulations. Sci Rep 10, 17149 (2020)

Garyfallidis, E., M. Brett, B. Amirbekian, A. Rokem, S. Van Der Walt, M. Descoteaux, and I. Nimmo-Smith. Dipy, a library for the analysis of diffusion MRI data. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 1-18, 2014.