Release notes for DIPY version 0.10

GitHub stats for 2015/03/18 - 2015/11/19 (tag: 0.9.2)

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

The following 20 authors (alphabetically ordered) contributed 1022 commits:

  • Alexandre Gauvin

  • Ariel Rokem

  • Bago Amirbekian

  • David Qixiang Chen

  • Dimitris Rozakis

  • Eleftherios Garyfallidis

  • Gabriel Girard

  • Gonzalo Sanguinetti

  • Jean-Christophe Houde

  • Marc-Alexandre Côté

  • Matthew Brett

  • Mauro Zucchelli

  • Maxime Descoteaux

  • Michael Paquette

  • Omar Ocegueda

  • Oscar Esteban

  • Rafael Neto Henriques

  • Rohan Prinja

  • Samuel St-Jean

  • Stefan van der Walt

We closed a total of 232 issues, 94 pull requests and 138 regular issues; this is the full list (generated with the script tools/

Pull Requests (94):

  • PR #769: RF: Remove aniso2iso altogether.

  • PR #772: DOC: Use xvfb when building the docs in a headless machine.

  • PR #754: DOC: Should we add a side-car gitter chat to the website?

  • PR #753: TST: Test DSI with b0s.

  • PR #767: Offscreen is False for test_slicer

  • PR #768: Document dipy.reconst.dti.iter_fit_tensor params

  • PR #766: Add fit_tensor iteration decorator

  • PR #751: Reorient tracks according to ROI

  • PR #765: BF: Typo in data file name.

  • PR #757: Optimize dipy.align.reslice

  • PR #587: Fvtk 2.0 PR1

  • PR #749: Fixed deprecation warning in skimage

  • PR #748: TST: added test for _to_voxel_tolerance.

  • PR #678: BF: added tolerance for negative streamline coordinates checks

  • PR #714: RF: use masks in predictions and cross-validation

  • PR #739: Set number of OpenMP threads during runtime

  • PR #733: Add RTOP, RTAP and RTPP and the relative test

  • PR #743: BF: memleaks with typed memory views in Cython

  • PR #724: @sinkpoint’s power map - refactored

  • PR #741: ENH: it is preferable to use choice rather than randint to not have

  • PR #727: Optimize tensor fitting

  • PR #726: NF - CSD response from a mask

  • PR #729: BF: tensor predict

  • PR #736: Added installation of python-tk package for VTK travis bot

  • PR #735: Added comment on nlmeans example about selecting one volume

  • PR #732: WIP: Test with vtk on Travis

  • PR #731: Np 1.10

  • PR #640: MAPMRI

  • PR #682: Created list of examples for available features and metrics

  • PR #716: Refactor data module

  • PR #699: Added gaussian noise option to estimate_sigma

  • PR #712: DOC: API changes in gh707.

  • PR #713: RF: In case a user just wants to use a single integer.

  • PR #700: TEST: add tests for AffineMap

  • PR #677: DKI PR3 - NF: Adding standard kurtosis statistics on module

  • PR #721: TST: Verify that output of estimate_sigma is a proper input to nlmeans.

  • PR #572: NF : nlmeans now support arrays of noise std

  • PR #708: Check for bval dimensionality on read.

  • PR #707: BF: Keep up with changes in scipy 0.16

  • PR #709: DOC: Use the identity variable in the resampling transformation.

  • PR #703: Fix syn-3d example

  • PR #705: Fix example in function compress_streamline

  • PR #635: Select streamlines based on logical operations on ROIs

  • PR #702: BF: Use only validated examples when building docs.

  • PR #689: Streamlines compression

  • PR #698: DOC: added NI citation

  • PR #681: RF + DOC: Add MNI template reference. Also import it into the dipy.da…

  • PR #696: Change title of piesno example

  • PR #691: CENIR ‘HCP-like’ multi b-value data

  • PR #661: Test DTI eigenvectors

  • PR #690: BF: nan entries cause segfault

  • PR #667: DOC: Remove Sourceforge related makefile things. Add the gh-pages upl…

  • PR #676: TST: update Travis config to use container infrastructure.

  • PR #533: MRG: some Cython refactorings

  • PR #686: BF: Make buildbot Pyhon26-32 happy

  • PR #683: Fixed initial estimation in piesno

  • PR #654: Affine registration PR 3/3

  • PR #684: BF: Fixed memory leak in QuickBundles.

  • PR #674: NF: Function to sample perpendicular directions relative to a given vector

  • PR #679: BF + NF: Provide dipy version info when running dipy.get_info()

  • PR #680: NF: Fetch and Read the MNI T1 and/or T2 template.

  • PR #664: DKI fitting (DKI PR2)

  • PR #671: DOC: move mailing list links to neuroimaging

  • PR #663: changed samuel st-jean email to the usherbrooke one

  • PR #648: Improve check of collinearity in vec2vec_rotmat

  • PR #582: DKI project: PR#1 Simulations to test DKI

  • PR #660: BF: If scalar-color input has len(shape)<4, need to fill that in.

  • PR #612: BF: Differences in spherical harmonic calculations wrt scipy 0.15

  • PR #651: Added estimate_sigma bias correction + update example

  • PR #659: BF: If n_frames is larger than one use path-numbering.

  • PR #658: FIX: resaved npy file causing load error for py 33

  • PR #657: Fix compilation error caused by inline functions

  • PR #628: Affine registration PR 2/3

  • PR #629: Quickbundles 2.1

  • PR #637: DOC: Fix typo in docstring of Identity class.

  • PR #639: DOC: Render the following line in the code cell.

  • PR #614: Seeds from mask random

  • PR #633: BF - no import of TissueTypes

  • PR #632: fixed typo in dti example

  • PR #627: BF: Add missing opacity property to point actor

  • PR #626: Use LooseVersion to check for scipy versions

  • PR #625: DOC: Include the PIESNO example.

  • PR #624: DOC: Corrected typos in Restore tutorial and docstring.

  • PR #619: DOC: Added missing contributor to developer list

  • PR #618: Update README file

  • PR #616: Raise ValueError when invalid matrix is given

  • PR #576: Piesno example

  • PR #615: bugfix for double word in doc example issue #387

  • PR #610: Added figure with HBM 2015

  • PR #609: Update website documentation

  • PR #607: DOC: Detailed github stats for 0.9

  • PR #606: Removed the word new

  • PR #605: Release mode: updating Changelog and Authors

  • PR #594: DOC + PEP8: Mostly just line-wrapping.

Issues (138):

  • #769: RF: Remove aniso2iso altogether.

  • #772: DOC: Use xvfb when building the docs in a headless machine.

  • #754: DOC: Should we add a side-car gitter chat to the website?

  • #771: Should we remove the deprecated quickbundles module?

  • #753: TST: Test DSI with b0s.

  • #761: reading dconn.nii

  • #723: WIP: Assign streamlines to an existing cluster map via QuickBundles

  • #738: Import tkinter

  • #767: Offscreen is False for test_slicer

  • #752: TST: Install vtk and mesa on Travis to test the fvtk module.

  • #768: Document dipy.reconst.dti.iter_fit_tensor params

  • #763: Tensor Fitting Overflows Memory

  • #766: Add fit_tensor iteration decorator

  • #751: Reorient tracks according to ROI

  • #765: BF: Typo in data file name.

  • #764: 404: Not Found when loading Stanford labels

  • #757: Optimize dipy.align.reslice

  • #587: Fvtk 2.0 PR1

  • #286: WIP - FVTK refactor/cleanup

  • #755: dipy.reconst.tests.test_shm.test_sf_to_sh: TypeError: Cannot cast ufunc add output from dtype(‘float64’) to dtype(‘uint16’) with casting rule ‘same_kind’

  • #749: Fixed deprecation warning in skimage

  • #748: TST: added test for _to_voxel_tolerance.

  • #678: BF: added tolerance for negative streamline coordinates checks

  • #714: RF: use masks in predictions and cross-validation

  • #739: Set number of OpenMP threads during runtime

  • #733: Add RTOP, RTAP and RTPP and the relative test

  • #743: BF: memleaks with typed memory views in Cython

  • #737: Possibly set_number_of_points doesn’t delete memory

  • #672: Power map

  • #724: @sinkpoint’s power map - refactored

  • #741: ENH: it is preferable to use choice rather than randint to not have

  • #730: numpy 1.10 breaks master

  • #727: Optimize tensor fitting

  • #726: NF - CSD response from a mask

  • #729: BF: tensor predict

  • #736: Added installation of python-tk package for VTK travis bot

  • #735: Added comment on nlmeans example about selecting one volume

  • #732: WIP: Test with vtk on Travis

  • #734: WIP: Fvtk 2.0 with travis vtk support

  • #688: dipy.test() fails on centos 6.x / python2.6

  • #731: Np 1.10

  • #725: WIP: TST: Install vtk on travis with conda.

  • #640: MAPMRI

  • #611: OSX test fail ‘we check the default value of lambda …’

  • #715: In current segment_quickbundles tutorial there is no example for changing number of points

  • #719: Fixes #715

  • #682: Created list of examples for available features and metrics

  • #716: Refactor data module

  • #699: Added gaussian noise option to estimate_sigma

  • #712: DOC: API changes in gh707.

  • #713: RF: In case a user just wants to use a single integer.

  • #700: TEST: add tests for AffineMap

  • #677: DKI PR3 - NF: Adding standard kurtosis statistics on module

  • #721: TST: Verify that output of estimate_sigma is a proper input to nlmeans.

  • #693: WIP: affine map tests

  • #694: Memory errors / timeouts with affine registration on Windows

  • #572: NF : nlmeans now support arrays of noise std

  • #708: Check for bval dimensionality on read.

  • #697: read_bvals_bvecs does not check bvals length

  • #707: BF: Keep up with changes in scipy 0.16

  • #710: Test dipy.core.tests.test_sphere.test_interp_rbf fails fails on Travis

  • #709: DOC: Use the identity variable in the resampling transformation.

  • #649: ROI seeds not placed at the center of the voxels

  • #656: Build-bot status

  • #701: Changes in syn_registration_3d example

  • #703: Fix syn-3d example

  • #705: Fix example in function compress_streamline

  • #704: Buildbots failure: related to streamline compression?

  • #635: Select streamlines based on logical operations on ROIs

  • #702: BF: Use only validated examples when building docs.

  • #689: Streamlines compression

  • #698: DOC: added NI citation

  • #621: piesno example not rendering correctly on the website

  • #650: profiling hyp1f1

  • #681: RF + DOC: Add MNI template reference. Also import it into the dipy.da…

  • #696: Change title of piesno example

  • #691: CENIR ‘HCP-like’ multi b-value data

  • #661: Test DTI eigenvectors

  • #690: BF: nan entries cause segfault

  • #667: DOC: Remove Sourceforge related makefile things. Add the gh-pages upl…

  • #676: TST: update Travis config to use container infrastructure.

  • #533: MRG: some Cython refactorings

  • #686: BF: Make buildbot Pyhon26-32 happy

  • #622: Fast shm from scipy 0.15.0 does not work on rc version

  • #683: Fixed initial estimation in piesno

  • #233: WIP: Dki

  • #654: Affine registration PR 3/3

  • #684: BF: Fixed memory leak in QuickBundles.

  • #674: NF: Function to sample perpendicular directions relative to a given vector

  • #679: BF + NF: Provide dipy version info when running dipy.get_info()

  • #680: NF: Fetch and Read the MNI T1 and/or T2 template.

  • #664: DKI fitting (DKI PR2)

  • #539: WIP: BF: Catching initial fodf creation of SDT

  • #671: DOC: move mailing list links to neuroimaging

  • #663: changed samuel st-jean email to the usherbrooke one

  • #287: Fvtk sphere origin

  • #648: Improve check of collinearity in vec2vec_rotmat

  • #582: DKI project: PR#1 Simulations to test DKI

  • #660: BF: If scalar-color input has len(shape)<4, need to fill that in.

  • #612: BF: Differences in spherical harmonic calculations wrt scipy 0.15

  • #651: Added estimate_sigma bias correction + update example

  • #659: BF: If n_frames is larger than one use path-numbering.

  • #652: MAINT: work around scipy bug in sph_harm

  • #653: Revisit naming when Matthew is back from Cuba

  • #658: FIX: resaved npy file causing load error for py 33

  • #657: Fix compilation error caused by inline functions

  • #655: Development documentation instructs to remove master

  • #628: Affine registration PR 2/3

  • #629: Quickbundles 2.1

  • #638: tutorial example, code in text format

  • #637: DOC: Fix typo in docstring of Identity class.

  • #639: DOC: Render the following line in the code cell.

  • #614: Seeds from mask random

  • #633: BF - no import of TissueTypes

  • #632: fixed typo in dti example

  • #630: Possible documentation bug (?)

  • #627: BF: Add missing opacity property to point actor

  • #459: streamtubes opacity kwarg

  • #626: Use LooseVersion to check for scipy versions

  • #625: DOC: Include the PIESNO example.

  • #623: DOC: Include the PIESNO example in the documentation.

  • #624: DOC: Corrected typos in Restore tutorial and docstring.

  • #619: DOC: Added missing contributor to developer list

  • #604: Retired ARM buildbot

  • #613: Possible random failure in test_vector_fields.test_reorient_vector_field_2d

  • #618: Update README file

  • #616: Raise ValueError when invalid matrix is given

  • #617: Added build status icon to readme

  • #576: Piesno example

  • #615: bugfix for double word in doc example issue #387

  • #600: Use of nanmean breaks dipy for numpy < 1.8

  • #610: Added figure with HBM 2015

  • #609: Update website documentation

  • #390: WIP: New PIESNO example and small corrections

  • #607: DOC: Detailed github stats for 0.9

  • #606: Removed the word new

  • #605: Release mode: updating Changelog and Authors

  • #594: DOC + PEP8: Mostly just line-wrapping.