Release notes for DIPY version 0.13

GitHub stats for 2017/06/27 - 2017/10/24 (tag: 0.12.0)

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

The following 13 authors contributed 212 commits.

  • Ariel Rokem

  • Bennet Fauber

  • David Reagan

  • Eleftherios Garyfallidis

  • Guillaume Theaud

  • Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño

  • Marc-Alexandre Côté

  • Matthieu Dumont

  • Rafael Neto Henriques

  • Ranveer Aggarwal

  • Rutger Fick

  • Saber Sheybani

  • Serge Koudoro

We closed a total of 115 issues, 39 pull requests and 76 regular issues; this is the full list (generated with the script tools/

Pull Requests (39):

  • PR #1367: BF: Import Streamlines object directly from nibabel.

  • PR #1361: Windows instructions update + citation update

  • PR #1316: DOC: Add a coding style guideline.

  • PR #1360: [FIX] references order in workflow

  • PR #1348: ENH: Add support for ArraySequence in`set_number_of_points` function

  • PR #1357: Update rebase of #1332

  • PR #1239: Enable memory profiling of the examples.

  • PR #1356: Add picking to slicer - rebase

  • PR #1351: From tables to h5py

  • PR #1353: FIX : improve epilogue accessibility for workflow

  • PR #1262: VIZ: A lightweight UI for medical visualizations #6: 2D File Selector

  • PR #1352: use legacy float array for printing numpy array

  • PR #1314: DOC: Fix typos and formatting in .rst files and Python examples.

  • PR #1345: DOC: Format README.rst file code blocks.

  • PR #1330: ENH: Add Travis badge to README.rst.

  • PR #1315: Remove GPL from our README.

  • PR #1328: BUG: Address small_delta vs. big_delta flipped parameters.

  • PR #1329: DOC: Fix typos in workflow file docstring.

  • PR #1336: Test modification for windows 10 / numpy 1.14

  • PR #1335: Catch a more specific warning in test_csdeconv

  • PR #1319: Correct white-space for fwdti example.

  • PR #1297: Added eigh version of localpca to svd version

  • PR #1298: Make TextActor2D extend UI instead of object

  • PR #1312: Flags correction for windows

  • PR #1285: mapmri using cvxpy instead of cvxopt

  • PR #1307: PyTables Error-handling

  • PR #1310: Fix error message

  • PR #1308: Fix inversion in the dti mode doc

  • PR #1304: DOC: Fix typos in reconstruction file doc.

  • PR #1303: DOC: Add missing label to reciprocal space eq.

  • PR #1289: MRG: Suppress a divide-by-zero warning.

  • PR #1288: NF Add the parameter fa_operator in auto_response function

  • PR #1290: Corrected a small error condition

  • PR #1279: UI advanced fix

  • PR #1287: Fix doc errors

  • PR #1286: Last doc error fix on 0.12.x

  • PR #1284: Added missing tutorials

  • PR #1278: Moving ahead with 0.13 (dev version)

  • PR #1277: One test (decimal issue) and a fix in viz_ui tutorial.

Issues (76):

  • #1367: BF: Import Streamlines object directly from nibabel.

  • #1366: Circular imports in dipy.tracking.utils?

  • #1146: Installation instructions for windows need to be updated

  • #1084: Installation for windows developers using Anaconda needs to be updated

  • #1361: Windows instructions update + citation update

  • #1248: Windows doc installation update is needed for Python 3, Anaconda and VTK support

  • #1316: DOC: Add a coding style guideline.

  • #1360: [FIX] references order in workflow

  • #1359: Epilogue’s reference should be last not first

  • #1324: WIP: Det track workflow and other improvements in workflows

  • #1348: ENH: Add support for ArraySequence in`set_number_of_points` function

  • #1357: Update rebase of #1332

  • #1332: Update

  • #1239: Enable memory profiling of the examples.

  • #1356: Add picking to slicer - rebase

  • #1334: Add picking to slicer

  • #1351: From tables to h5py

  • #1353: FIX : improve epilogue accessibility for workflow

  • #1344: Check accessibility of epilogue in Workflows

  • #1262: VIZ: A lightweight UI for medical visualizations #6: 2D File Selector

  • #1352: use legacy float array for printing numpy array

  • #1346: Test broken in numpy 1.14

  • #1333: Trying QuickBundles (Python3 and vtk–> using: conda install -c clinicalgraphics vtk)

  • #1044: Reconstruction FOD

  • #1247: Interactor bug in viz_ui example

  • #1314: DOC: Fix typos and formatting in .rst files and Python examples.

  • #1345: DOC: Format README.rst file code blocks.

  • #1349: Doctest FIX : use legacy printing

  • #1330: ENH: Add Travis badge to README.rst.

  • #1337: Coveralls seems baggy let’s remove it

  • #1341: ActiveAx model fitting using MIX framework

  • #1315: Remove GPL from our README.

  • #1325: Small is Big - Big is small (mapl - mapmri)

  • #1328: BUG: Address small_delta vs. big_delta flipped parameters.

  • #1329: DOC: Fix typos in workflow file docstring.

  • #1336: Test modification for windows 10 / numpy 1.14

  • #1323: Warnings raised in csdeconv for upcoming numpy 1.14

  • #1335: Catch a more specific warning in test_csdeconv

  • #1042: RF - move direction getters to dipy/direction/

  • #1319: Correct white-space for fwdti example.

  • #1317: example figures not being rendered

  • #1297: Added eigh version of localpca to svd version

  • #1313: No module named ‘vtkCommonCore’

  • #1318: Mix framework with Cythonized func_mul

  • #1167: Potential replacement for CVXOPT?

  • #1180: WIP: replacing cvxopt with cvxpy.

  • #1298: Make TextActor2D extend UI instead of object

  • #375: Peak directiions test error on PPC

  • #1312: Flags correction for windows

  • #804: Wrong openmp flag on Windows

  • #1285: mapmri using cvxpy instead of cvxopt

  • #662: dipy/align/mattes.pyx doctest import error

  • #1307: PyTables Error-handling

  • #1306: Error-handling when pytables not installed

  • #1309: step_helpers gives a wrong error message

  • #1310: Fix error message

  • #1308: Fix inversion in the dti mode doc

  • #1304: DOC: Fix typos in reconstruction file doc.

  • #1303: DOC: Add missing label to reciprocal space eq.

  • #1289: MRG: Suppress a divide-by-zero warning.

  • #1293: Garyfallidis recobundles

  • #1292: Garyfallidis recobundles

  • #1288: NF Add the parameter fa_operator in auto_response function

  • #1290: Corrected a small error condition

  • #1279: UI advanced fix

  • #1287: Fix doc errors

  • #1286: Last doc error fix on 0.12.x

  • #1284: Added missing tutorials

  • #322: Missing content in tracking.utils’ documentation

  • #570: The documentation for dipy.viz is not in the API reference

  • #1053: WIP: Local pca and noise estimation

  • #881: PEP8 in reconst

  • #880: PEP8 in reconst

  • #1169: Time for a new release - scipy 0.18?

  • #1278: Moving ahead with 0.13 (dev version)

  • #1277: One test (decimal issue) and a fix in viz_ui tutorial.