Release notes for DIPY version 0.16

GitHub stats for 2018/12/12 - 2019/03/10 (tag: 0.15.0)

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

The following 14 authors contributed 361 commits.

  • Ariel Rokem

  • Bramsh Qamar

  • Clément Zotti

  • Eleftherios Garyfallidis

  • Francois Rheault

  • Gabriel Girard

  • Jean-Christophe Houde

  • Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño

  • Katrin Leinweber

  • Kesshi Jordan

  • Parichit Sharma

  • Serge Koudoro

  • Shreyas Fadnavis

  • Yijun Liu

We closed a total of 103 issues, 41 pull requests and 62 regular issues; this is the full list (generated with the script tools/

Pull Requests (41):

  • PR #1755: Bundle Analysis and Linear mixed Models Workflows

  • PR #1748: [REBASED ] Symmetric Diffeomorphic registration workflow

  • PR #1714: DOC: Add Cython style guideline for DIPY.

  • PR #1726: IVIM MIX Model (MicroLearn)

  • PR #1753: BF: Fixes #1751, by adding a scale key-word arg to decfa

  • PR #1743: Horizon

  • PR #1749: [Fix] Tutorial syntax

  • PR #1739: IVIM Workflow

  • PR #1695: A few tractometry functions

  • PR #1741: [Fix] Pre-build : From relative to absolute import

  • PR #1742: [REBASED] Apply Transform Workflow

  • PR #1745: Adjust number of threads for SLR in Recobundles

  • PR #1746: [DOC] Add NIH to sponsor list

  • PR #1735: [Rebase] Affine Registration Workflow with Supporting Quality Metrics

  • PR #1738: [FIX] Python 3 compatibility for some tools script

  • PR #1740: [FIX] mapmri with cvxpy 1.0.15

  • PR #1730: [Fix] Cython syntax error

  • PR #1666: Remove the points added outside of a mask. Fix the related tests.

  • PR #1737: Doc Fix

  • PR #1733: Minor Doc Fix

  • PR #1732: MAIIncrement Python version for testing to 3.6

  • PR #1716: DOC: Add Imports section on package shorthands recommendations.

  • PR #1640: Workflows - Adding PFT, probabilistic, closestpeaks tracking

  • PR #1652: Switching tests to pytest

  • PR #1720: [WIP] DIPY Workshop link on current website

  • PR #1719: BF: Syntax fix example images not rendering

  • PR #1715: DOC: Avoid the bullet points being interpreted as quoted blocks.

  • PR #1706: BUG: Fix Cython one-liner non-trivial type declaration warnings.

  • PR #1705: BUG: Fix Numpy .random.random_integer deprecation warning.

  • PR #1704: DOC: Fix typo in script.

  • PR #1701: BUG: Fix Sphinx math notation documentation warnings.

  • PR #1707: BUG: Address numpy.matrix PendingDeprecation warnings.

  • PR #1703: BUG: Fix blank image being recorded at

  • PR #1700: DOC: Use triple double-quoted strings for docstrings.

  • PR #1708: BF: Clip the values before passing to arccos, instead of fixing nans.

  • PR #1710: DOC: fix typo in instruction below sample snippet

  • PR #1702: BUG: Fix deprecation warnings.

  • PR #1697: Hyperlink DOIs to preferred resolver

  • PR #1696: Transfer release notes to a specific folder

  • PR #1690: Typo in release notes

  • PR #1693: Changed the GSoC conduction years

Issues (62):

  • #1757: NI Learn info from sensors designed to acseptible eeg format?

  • #1755: Bundle Analysis and Linear mixed Models Workflows

  • #1748: [REBASED ] Symmetric Diffeomorphic registration workflow

  • #1714: DOC: Add Cython style guideline for DIPY.

  • #1726: IVIM MIX Model (MicroLearn)

  • #1751: Scale values in decfa

  • #1753: BF: Fixes #1751, by adding a scale key-word arg to decfa

  • #1754: DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. Please call randint(0, 10000 + 1) instead DeprecationWarning: imsave is deprecated! imsave is deprecated in SciPy 1.0.0, and will be removed in 1.2.0. Use imageio.imwrite instead.

  • #1743: Horizon

  • #1749: [Fix] Tutorial syntax

  • #1616: Implementing the Diffeomorphic registration

  • #1739: IVIM Workflow

  • #1695: A few tractometry functions

  • #1741: [Fix] Pre-build : From relative to absolute import

  • #1742: [REBASED] Apply Transform Workflow

  • #1745: Adjust number of threads for SLR in Recobundles

  • #1746: [DOC] Add NIH to sponsor list

  • #1605: Cleaned PR for Apply Transform Workflow to quickly register a set of moving NIFTI images using a given affine matrix.

  • #1735: [Rebase] Affine Registration Workflow with Supporting Quality Metrics

  • #1738: [FIX] Python 3 compatibility for some tools script

  • #1740: [FIX] mapmri with cvxpy 1.0.15

  • #1730: [Fix] Cython syntax error

  • #1661: Local Tracking - BinaryTissueClassifier - dropping the last point

  • #1666: Remove the points added outside of a mask. Fix the related tests.

  • #1737: Doc Fix

  • #1604: Cleaned PR for Affine Registration Workflow with Supporting Quality Metrics

  • #1734: Documentation Error

  • #1733: Minor Doc Fix

  • #1565: New warnings with PRE=1

  • #1732: MAIIncrement Python version for testing to 3.6

  • #1716: DOC: Add Imports section on package shorthands recommendations.

  • #1640: Workflows - Adding PFT, probabilistic, closestpeaks tracking

  • #1729: N3/N4 Bias correction?

  • #1652: Switching tests to pytest

  • #1280: Switch testing to pytest?

  • #1727: Upgrade Scipy for MIX framework?

  • #1723: Failure on

  • #1720: [WIP] DIPY Workshop link on current website

  • #1718: cannot import name window

  • #1719: BF: Syntax fix example images not rendering

  • #1717: cannot import packages of dipy.viz

  • #1715: DOC: Avoid the bullet points being interpreted as quoted blocks.

  • #1706: BUG: Fix Cython one-liner non-trivial type declaration warnings.

  • #1705: BUG: Fix Numpy .random.random_integer deprecation warning.

  • #1664: Deprecation warnings on testing

  • #1704: DOC: Fix typo in script.

  • #1701: BUG: Fix Sphinx math notation documentation warnings.

  • #1707: BUG: Address numpy.matrix PendingDeprecation warnings.

  • #1633: Blank png saved/displayed on documentation

  • #1703: BUG: Fix blank image being recorded at

  • #1700: DOC: Use triple double-quoted strings for docstrings.

  • #1708: BF: Clip the values before passing to arccos, instead of fixing nans.

  • #1698: test failure in travis

  • #1710: DOC: fix typo in instruction below sample snippet

  • #1702: BUG: Fix deprecation warnings.

  • #1697: Hyperlink DOIs to preferred resolver

  • #1696: Transfer release notes to a specific folder

  • #1691: Doc folder for release notes

  • #1690: Typo in release notes

  • #1693: Changed the GSoC conduction years

  • #1692: Minor doc fix

  • #1632: Link broken on website